10 Simple Tips to Video Interview like a Pro

The ScaleUp Team

Video Interviewing is here to stay, see below 10 tips to ensure you video interview like a pro !

Video interviewing is here to stay! If you are in tech you might be expected to interview remotely. Here are 10 simple tricks to help set you up for a great interview and give you a slight edge over your competition.

1) Make sure your camera is turned on and there is plenty of light on you and not behind you. If it's behind you it will create a shadow. 

2) Natural light is always best. 

3) Don't wear a stripy shirt - in fact don't wear any shirt that is distracting. A plain shirt is normally best. 

4) Look INTO the camera while speaking, this will connect you to your interviewer better. 

5) Have a bottle or glass of water handy, yes in a video interview you can also stumble and become short of breath, water is your best friend here. 

6) Have a pen and notepad handy if you need to jot down notes, it's also great to have planned questions on this as well. 

7) Make sure you have a space where you will be uninterrupted and free from background noises (you won't believe how many times this has been overlooked in the years )

8) Make sure your internet connection is solid and if you are on a laptop, it is plugged into a charger, DO NOT rely on your battery. 

9) No need to yell, but be conscious of speaking as clearly as possible. If English is your 2nd or 3rd language, slow it down.

10) Breathe, before you log on to your interview try this simple breathing technique, in for 4 seconds out for 4 seconds, 10 times & SMILE

One thing not to do ... don't start the interview with the camera off because you aren't wearing a shirt. Definitely wear a shirt. You may be laughing reading this, but it actually happened to with a senior software engineer. It's never a good idea to have to excuse yourself to put a shirt on.

Also, a bonus tip, go to the toilet 15 mins before your interview if you haven't done so for a while. You don't want to have to break if the interview runs longer and you don't want to be distracted about the thought of going to the toilet.

If you would like to chat more about video editing, or the points covered in this blog, or require any help, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page or email info@scaleuprecruitment.com.au.

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