Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Policy

ScaleUp Recruitment - Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Policy

Zero-Tolerance Approach

ScaleUp Recruitment maintains a zero-tolerance approach towards human trafficking, forced labour, child labour, and any form of modern-day

slavery. We are committed to preventing these practices within our own operations and supply chains.

Supply Chain Due Diligence

We conduct due diligence to identify and assess any potential risks of human trafficking and modern-day slavery in our supply chains. We expect 

our suppliers and business partners to share our commitment to human rights and comply with applicable laws in this regard.

Supplier Engagement

We strive to work with suppliers who share our values and commitment to human rights. We expect our suppliers to comply with all relevant laws 

and regulations related to human rights, anti-trafficking, and modern-day slavery. We will collaborate with them to address any identified risks and 

implement necessary corrective actions.

Reporting and Whistleblowing

ScaleUp Recruitment encourages all employees and stakeholders to report any suspected cases of human trafficking, forced labour, or modern-

day slavery. We will investigate all reports promptly and take appropriate action to address any violations found. We ensure that individuals who 

report in good faith will be protected against retaliation.

Compliance Monitoring and Training

ScaleUp Recruitment will regularly review and monitor its policies, procedures, and practices to ensure compliance with this Human Rights Policy 

and Anti-Trafficking Policy. We will undertake internal audits and assessments to identify any areas of improvement and implement necessary 


Training and Awareness

We will provide appropriate training to our employees and key stakeholders to raise awareness of human rights issues, anti-trafficking measures, 

and modern-day slavery. This training will help them understand their responsibilities, recognize potential risks, and promote a culture of respect 

and integrity within our organization.

Employee Education

All employees of ScaleUp Recruitment review, understand, and officially acknowledge our Anti-Trafficking and Modern-Day Slavery Policy upon 

commencing their position. Confirmation is confirmed as part of the on-boarding process.


ScaleUp Recruitment is dedicated to promoting and protecting human rights while actively preventing human trafficking and modern-day slavery. 

This policy reflects our commitment to compliance with all applicable Australian laws, including those enacted by the NSW Government. We will 

continually review and improve our practices to ensure the highest standards of human rights and ethical conduct in all aspects of our business.

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