EP13: Dale Hurley - "The Start up Rollercoaster"

Get a unique insight into Dale Hurley, former CTO of CreditorWatch & COO/CDO of Avenue Bank, as we explore the start up rollercoaster.

Dale Hurley, former CTO of CreditorWatch & COO/CDO of Avenue Bank, joined us at the ScaleUp SoundBytes studio for a chat about all things Start Up sharing his journey from corporate consulting into the start-up world. 


Listen on as you get to hear what led Dale to leave an incredibly well paying & stable role into the gamble of a startup. You get to hear what made CreditorWatch the success it was and how it was able to not only disrupt but almost create a market.

Dale shares his unique view into what the journey was like from inception through to exit and I'm sure you can imagine the journey with Avenue wasn't so smooth. Tyson said, “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.” which is a term that gets used a lot in the Startup world.

After hearing Dale's story I genuinely feel the team not only took a few on the chin but had to pivot harder than Ali's rope a dope to keep going.

Some key insights:

💡 What it was like to take on the banks.

💡 Dealing with working in a highly regulated market.

💡 Navigating through COVID.

💡 The collapse of the Neo Banks.

💡 A failed takeover bid.

💡 The rise of the Interest rates.


This is a must-listen if you want to peep behind the curtain and hear an uncensored story of what it's like to ride the start up roller coaster.

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