EP2: Dr Kaushik Ram - "How to Hack Flow State"

"Hacking Flow State"

We interview Dr Kaushik Ram, PhD, Neuroscientist and inventor of the Precognition Method where we talk about how to better manage stress and anxiety.

Hacking Flow State deep dives into how you can better manage your relationship with stress, anxiety and obtain a state of flow. Neuroscientist, Dr. Kaushik Ram’s life work has revolved around working with people to achieve these optimal states which have scientifically been proven to increase productivity, happiness, well being and combat stress and anxiety.

Sam and Kaushik discover that everything is available to you right now, for free. Accessing FLOW state’s is your birth right and you can have a lot of fun doing it along the way.

Even though they specifically chat about how software developers can “hack FLOW” to be more productive and find purpose in their work, this talk isn’t just for developers, it’s for everyone who’s looking to improve their overall life experiences, manage stressful situation even improve your sleep! 

Have a listen, we hope that learning from this podcast you can implement into your day to day and discover some newfound benefits. Please let us know if you’ve been able to hack flow and how it’s helped you with your work or life.

ScaleUp are always looking to speak to people who have byte sized ideas they want to share with our community. If you want to ScaleUp your team, ScaleUp your career or be a part of a future ScaleUp Sound Bytes podcast reach out to us at info@scaleuprecruitment.com.au.


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