Human Rights Policy

ScaleUp Recruitment - Human Rights Policy


ScaleUp Recruitment is committed to upholding human rights, preventing human trafficking, and combating modern-day slavery. This policy 

outlines our commitment to comply with all applicable Australian laws, including the laws of the New South Wales (NSW) Government, regarding 

human rights, anti-trafficking, and modern-day slavery. We recognize the importance of respecting and promoting human rights throughout our 

operations and supply chains, and we strive to create a safe and fair working environment for all individuals associated with our business.

Human Rights Policy

Compliance with Applicable Laws ScaleUp Recruitment is committed to complying with all relevant human rights laws and regulations in 

Australia, including those enacted by the NSW Government. We will stay updated on any changes in legislation and ensure our practices align 

with these laws.


ScaleUp Recruitment promotes equal opportunity and fair treatment for all individuals, irrespective of their race, colour, ethnicity, national origin, 

gender, age, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic. We strictly prohibit any form of discrimination,

harassment, or victimization based on these factors.

Employment Practices

We adhere to fair and ethical employment practices, ensuring that all employees, including contractors and temporary staff, are treated with 

dignity, respect, and fairness. Our recruitment, hiring, and promotion processes are based on merit and qualifications, without any bias or 


Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

We respect the rights of our employees to join or not join any association or organization of their choice, as protected by Australian labour laws. 

We recognize and support collective bargaining rights and engage in good faith negotiations with authorized employee representatives, as 


Working Conditions

ScaleUp Recruitment is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for all employees. We comply with relevant health and safety 

regulations to minimize workplace hazards and ensure the well-being of our workforce.

Employee Education

All employees of ScaleUp Recruitment review, understand, and officially acknowledge our Human Rights Policy upon commencing their position. 

Confirmation is confirmed as part of the on-boarding process.

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