I have over 10 years of recruitment experience in Australia, Singapore, and the United States.
I like to travel and enjoy spending time at the beach with my family.
ScaleUp is supporting a niche IT talent market. Finding real GEMS for ScaleUp and its clients is challenging yet satisfying. The flexible work environment and supportive team also motivated me to join the company.
I recruit niche IT talent and candidates call me for their next gig both for contract and permanent opportunities.
Social Media has been a major contributor to learning. I follow companies and speak to candidates to gather information.
Ask the candidate the right questions. I try my best not to make the recruitment process transactional. I understand the candidates' interests, and capabilities. I guide them when needed during the hiring process. I keep them informed about the job scope and provide genuine feedback that could help them in the future.
Being resilient, persistent, adaptable, and curious will keep one going in any circumstances.
Understanding the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses; matching them to the right role and environment is key. Offering feedback, guiding, and preparing for the next interview. Motivating them to keep trying till they succeed.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
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