ScaleUp - Principal/Staff Engineer

Candidate Number: SUR-1975698

State: VIC

Work Type: Permanent

Industry Experience: Start Up, Enterprise

Availability: 2-4 Weeks

Charge Rate or Salary: $180,000 + Super


• Almost 2 decades of experience building out web applications with the past decade in leadership/Principal/Staff level roles
• Extensive knowledge and expertise across JavaScript/Typescript tech stack particularly Front End Architecture
• One thing you notice about them is their ability to quickly build relationships with people and leverage this to influence others
• Melbourne based, 4 weeks notice


This Principal engineer brings a wealth of experince having been in a role of either Principal or Staff engineer in their last 2 roles. Has a strong capablity of getting to the heart of problems and looking at how they impact the wider business. One of their core charater traits is listening with empathy to get a proper understanding of how people opperate and leveraging this for influence. Combine this with their technical expertise and you have a wizard Principal that can opperate in a Start-up or Scale-Up at break neck speed.


20 Years


B. Comp Science Deakin Uni

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If this candidate isn't quite right, or within the budget, let us know and we can help you to find the right person for your position by reaching out to our wider Lead, Staff Engineer and Principal Engineer market.

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