ScaleUp - CTO


Candidate Number: SUR-14312088

State: NSW

Work Type: Permanent

Industry Experience: Start Up, Scale Up

Work Type Preferred: Hybrid, Remote, In Office

• Technology executive, with more than twenty yearsacross Start-ups/ScaleUps
• Product development from concept through to validation, design & architecture to implementation and delivery while managing costs
• Unicorn of technical expertise and business/commercial acumen (analytical & quantitative skills to boot)

If you are a founder or CEO of a tech start up I just interviewed someone who you need to chat to.
Someone who thrives in your type of environment as a C Suite (CTO) technical partner to founders. They have helped scale a EdTech from 25 grew to 130, 9x valuation to 459 million exit. All because of the unique skillset of technology, finance and mathematics/data, people and cultural leadership and development. The guy will finds any leaks in your business, not just tech, and identify how you are going to solve them to aid you in successfully build credibility for any PE exit, also is amazing at analysing and other potential companies books for potential M&A’s.

Their superpower? Outstanding leadership and ability to drive culture in a scaling business. Believes in creating cross functional teams between 8-12 to keep communication and collaboration as peak levels. He’s done this for two start ups. One listened to his advice and exited successfully the above, the other didn’t (was ASX listed) which ended up proving to be a nightmare as he advised against a M&A which ended up costing the business millions, resulting in the board canning the CEO at the time and bringing this guy back on board to maintain profitability and sustainability (he can share this ware story when you interview him.)

You know what’s even more beautiful about them? They are educated in Maths, Comp Science and hold an MBA in tech, giving you the complete overview how to run a tech business.

If you are looking to grow from Start-up to Scale-up you need to speak to them. You'll need about $300k and equity options to get this person on board. Sydney based, Au citizen.

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