EP11: Simran Ghumman - "Dissecting the Trifecta of Engineering Leadership"

Welcome Simran Ghumman, Head of Technology at Domain, in a discussion on Dissecting the Trifecta of Engineering Leadership.

Sam and Simran discuss the typical traits of engineering leaders. Leaders will come from 1 of 3 backgrounds (tech, people, delivery), Engineering leaders will be a blend of 1 or 2 and it's incredibly hard to be the perfect/unicorn blend of the three.

When these skill sets blend the leader adopts a particular persona that will usually guide their ability to lead, influence and delegate. If this is not done effectively by incorporating 2 skills out of the 3 and the leader only relies on their main core skillset, what results is usually pain for the team below and above.

Environment is a huge factor in determining the success of the leader, some persona's work better in different organisations than others. Personas can and often do change over time depending on the leadership role - team & technical leads may require different personas to HOE/CTO in the same organisation.


If you are looking to ScaleUp your career into leadership and into CTO level then this for you! Play along with the podcast and think what is my background and what persona will I become!

CLICK HERE to check out Simran’s full article!

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