Data Driven? ScaleUp your team with a highly experienced Data Engineer

Sam Elderfield

After successfully helping scaleup one of our faviourite client's data engineering team, we've had an absolute gem of a profile come through the process at later stages. They were a bit more senior to what we were looking for, but  an incredible profile. If you are seeking a senior data engineer, save yourself some time. Have a quick read below and contact us

Senior Data Engineer

  • Highly experienced Data Engineer that’s background has been in and around data and engineering throughout their 13 year career
  • Ex-university lecturer of software development, data & AI/ML courses
  • Uber passionate about using data to create clean data pipelines that produces high quality information that allow business critical decisions
  • Technical skills revolve around Python, with data warehouses exp with Snowflake, Cloud (AWS/Azure) Airflow &data factory for pipelines, we can keep going
  • Passionate about automation, AI and ML techniques to improve data engineering principles and the ETL/ELT processes
  • Available on 4 weeks notice and targeting $150,000 + super.

Interested in finding out more, fill out your details and click SEND! 👇🏽

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