
By The ScaleUp Team July 12, 2023
#TechTalk Read on to learn the evolution of the .Net Framework 
By The ScaleUp Team May 31, 2023
Following Dave Bolton's great advice in ScaleUp Sound Bytes “ Stay Curious, Stay Humble ” podcast, proves that curiosity might just be the difference in you carving a future for your personal growth and your career path. Being curious is something that as a child comes very naturally because everything is new, the world around is blissfully exciting, and children have a motivational desire to learn. Although, this curiosity tends to drop off a cliff the older we get... Anyone who has spent time with a small child knows just how many questions they ask in a day! Regaining the relentless hunger for curiosity is something that needs work, if you're consciously striving to be more curious, it will naturally grow. It fuels our desire to explore, learn, and understand the world around us., so embracing curiosity, or consciously pushing yourself to be curious, can lead to a more enriching life and help your career. In this post, we will explore 6 simple things ways you can cultivate curiosity every day: 1. Ask more questions. Curiosity thrives on questions so don’t settle, be inquisitive and ask questions. Instead of assuming you know the answer, challenge your assumptions and pursue a deeper understanding. No matter where you are, you will be surrounded with diverse individuals so engage in conversation and ask questions. This is a sure-fire way to explore different perspectives while learning from others' experiences. It sounds simple but you'll uncover knowledge and perspectives you didn't have before, you'll stimulate your curiosity, and you'll build stronger relationships with the people around you. 2. Seek out and follow your interests. Curiosity is often sparked by our passions, so think about what truly interests and excites you. Once you have identified those deep interests, you can dive into those subjects and explore ways to immerse yourself in them. Read books, attend events or meet ups, put yourself in social situations where you know likeminded people will be. By pursuing your passions, it will naturally fuel your curiosity to continuously seek knowledge in areas that interest you and naturally push you to do so in other areas of life. When surrounded by people who are all curious of the same subject, you’ll find it hits new levels as people will naturally push each other and explore together. 3. Don’t fear the unknown. Stepping into the unknown and being in unfamiliar or uncomfortable positions is something most people don’t like to do but embracing the unknown is a great step to increasing your curiosity. Instead of shying away from unfamiliar situations, why not approach it with a sense of adventure and an open mind. You’ll find the more you do this the more comfortable you will be, and it then becomes familiar which in turn won’t seem so daunting. Dive right in, actively seek out those new experiences and step outside of your comfort zone. You might just find you'll ignite your curiosity and have a great ride in doing so. 4. Embrace failure as a learning opportunity. Sometime fear of failure can suppress curiosity and lead to you failing before you even attempt to move forward. The sense of failure can be overwhelming but embracing it and using it as leverage will propel you into moving forward and learning. Embracing failure isn't always easy, but once you overcome that hurdle you will begin to see it as levelling up, and understand that setbacks and mistakes are incredibly valuable on the path to discovery. By embracing failure, you'll naturally start cultivating a growth mindset, encouraging experimentation, and foster curiosity. Learn from your failures, adapt, and approach everything with renewed curiosity. 5. Try not to assume. Making assumptions will hinder your curiosity as it prematurely closes off avenues of exploration. When you assume, you limit yourself to preconceived notions and biases, preventing you from truly understanding and appreciating the depth and complexity of a situation or subject. Curiosity is something that thrives on open-mindedness alongside a willingness to question assumptions. If you can hold back from making assumptions, you open yourself up to new perspectives and possibilities. Embracing curiosity requires setting aside preconceived ideas and approaching each conversation or situation with a fresh and open mindset. So instead of assuming, let your curiosity guide you. 6. Be committed to learning daily. You don’t need to grandly change your life in pursuit of curiosity, just approach it with purpose and make conscious efforts to factor it in each day. It is as simple as reading an article, asking someone a question or just pushing your boundaries and putting yourself in situations you wouldn’t usually. If there is something you don’t know, instead of asking Google, look to the people around for the answer. As the saying goes “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and similarly your hunger for curiosity will take time and dedication to achieve. Doing something daily and staying committed to it will help you on your journey. It's not about getting an MBA or degree to be able to explore new subjects there are so many channels you can use at your fingertips in the form of online courses, blogs, articles, books, podcasts, or even documentaries. By expanding your knowledge base, you'll keep your curiosity alive and continually discover new avenues for exploration. Curiosity is a powerful force that propels us forward on our journey of self-discovery, personal growth and can help forge your career. By asking questions, following your interests, not fearing the unknown, embracing failure, not making assumptions and staying curious in everyday life you can help nurture your innate curiosity. Embark on your quest for more curiosity, open your mind, let curiosity be your guide to a more vibrant and fulfilling life and you never know you might just find yourself as CTO. If you would like to chat more about the topics covered in this blog, or require any help, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page or email
By The ScaleUp Team May 24, 2023
As a software developer, staying continuously focused and productive can be a real challenge. With so many distractions, and a constant stream of tasks to complete, it can be difficult to maintain the level of concentration required to do your best work. However, there is a simple yet powerful tool that can help: your breath. Breathing techniques, also known as pranayama (feels good using these big words, pranayama is Sanskrit for breathing techniques), have been used for thousands of years in yoga and meditation practices to calm the mind and improve focus. By regulating your breath, you can bring your attention to the present moment, clear your mind of distractions, and enhance your productivity. Here are some breathing techniques software developers can use to improve focus and productivity: Deep breathing: Sit comfortably with your back straight and your feet on the ground. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs with air. Hold the breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat for a few minutes. Alternate nostril breathing: Sit comfortably with your back straight and your feet on the ground. Use your right hand to close your right nostril with your thumb, then inhale deeply through your left nostril. Hold the breath for a few seconds, then use your ring finger to close your left nostril and exhale through your right nostril. Repeat for a few minutes, alternating nostrils. Box breathing: Sit comfortably with your back straight and your feet on the ground. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold the breath for a count of four, exhale through your mouth for a count of four, and hold the breath for a count of four. Repeat for a few minutes. Different pranayama's are used for different situations and work differently on people. Next time you're about to sit down and get into your work day, or if you are about to transition from work mode to home life (hello remote workers!), take a moment and try out one of these breathing techniques. By incorporating these breathing techniques into your daily routine, you can improve your focus and productivity as a software developer. The breath is a key to unlocking FLOW. Practice makes a habit! So, take a few minutes each day to practice these techniques. Let us know the impact it has on your productivity! If you would like to chat more about the topics covered in this blog, or require any help, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page or email
By The ScaleUp Team May 17, 2023
If you're wondering what FLOW state even is and how to Hack it then read on ...
By The ScaleUp Team May 17, 2023
ScaleUp your career with these 4 books about leadership, motivation, productivity & influence.
By The ScaleUp Team May 15, 2023
Maximising employee retention is critical as it can reflect on your company success, culture, and your ability to provide a platform for people to grow
By The ScaleUp Team May 15, 2023
5 things you can do to prepare and set yourself up for success in your next interview.
By The ScaleUp Team March 20, 2023
Thinking of stepping up career into technical leadership or management? Patrick Lencioni's "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" is a staple in modern leadership practices...
By The ScaleUp Team March 19, 2023
Asking for a raise can be a daunting task, but it's essential to make sure that you're being fairly compensated... Asking for a raise can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it's essential if you want to ensure you're being fairly compensated. By doing your due diligence research, you can increase your chances of success. Research One of the best starting points when it comes to preparing for a salary negotiation is to research comparable salaries. You'll want to do this not only in your industry but also in your region. You can do this using websites like PayScale, SEEK, LinkedIn, and Indeed. This will give you a better understanding of how your current salary compares to others in your field. Choose the right time to ask Timing is everything when it comes to asking for a raise. It's important to choose a time when your boss is likely to be in a good mood and receptive to your request. Avoid asking during a busy period or when your boss is dealing with a personal issue. Schedule a time to talk in advance and be prepared to make your case. Don't do it on a Friday afternoon or first thing Monday morning. Best to schedule the meeting just before lunch on a Tuesday, gives people time to get into work flow and also time to respond. Highlight your achievements and contributions When you ask for a raise, be sure to highlight your achievements and contributions to the company. This will help your boss see the value you bring to the organisation and make it easier for them to justify a salary increase. If you can't clearly do this, then think why am I asking for one? Don't over think it You've done the research, you've booked the meeting and you are ready to communicate your worth with your highlights reel. Now do it. Don't over think what they will say and don't get in your own way. If you don't ask sometimes you don't receive. So what's next? If you need some help we are happy to provide you with guidance on how to navigate this conversation and if you asked for that raise and didn't get what you wanted, we're here to help with that too. Reach out to us via our Contact Us page or email
By The ScaleUp Team February 13, 2023
10 tips to help you better interview via video.
By The ScaleUp Team June 29, 2021
As technology continues to evolve, the way we communicate and interact with one another is constantly changing. One platform that has had a significant impact on how we interact with one another is Facebook. With its visually appealing layout and user-friendly interface, Facebook has revolutionized how we consume and share information. And now, this concept is being applied to another important aspect of our lives - our resumes. Tailoring your CV to look like a Facebook feed can be a great way to make your resume stand out from the crowd. Here are some of the benefits of using this approach: Aesthetically Pleasing Layout One of the main reasons why Facebook is so popular is because of its visually appealing layout. By tailoring your CV to look like a Facebook feed, you can create a similar experience for those reviewing your resume. This means that your CV is more likely to grab their attention and leave a lasting impression. Easy to Navigate Facebook's user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate and find the information you are looking for. By using a similar layout for your CV, you can make it easier for recruiters to find the information they need. This means that they are more likely to spend more time reviewing your CV, which can increase your chances of landing an interview. Customizable Another great benefit of tailoring your CV to look like a Facebook feed is that it is highly customizable. You can choose the sections that you want to include and organize them in a way that makes the most sense for your experience and qualifications. This means that you can create a unique and personalized CV that truly reflects who you are as a candidate. Modern Approach In today's digital age, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. By using a Facebook-inspired layout for your CV, you can demonstrate that you are tech-savvy and modern. This can be especially important if you are applying for a job in a tech-related field. Engaging Experience Finally, by tailoring your CV to look like a Facebook feed, you can create a more engaging experience for recruiters. Rather than simply reading through a list of qualifications and experience, they can scroll through your CV and get a sense of who you are as a person. This can help them to connect with you on a more personal level and make a more informed decision about whether or not to invite you for an interview. In conclusion, tailoring your CV to look like a Facebook feed can be a great way to make your resume stand out from the crowd. By creating a visually appealing and user-friendly layout, you can increase your chances of landing an interview and demonstrate that you are up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends. So why not give it a try and see how it can help you in your job search? If you would like to chat more about the topics covered in this blog, or require any help, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page or email 
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